This a great Indian dish. A cornmeal morning potion that detoxifies and purifies. This meal was originally described in the Charak as a way of reducing the wages of sin from the night before. It increases agni. Agni are the enzymes, or the "fire", that drive all digestion and metabolism in the Hindu medical practice of Ayurveda. This is also a great recipe to reduce Kapha - if you feel stuffy, heavy-headed or congested, phlegmy or just stagnant... then this is the cereal to clear your head! It is great with honey.. a must have when eating this as the sweetness balances the spices. WONDERFUL CEREAL - My favorite - but exotically flavored. So be ready for it! Below is my picture of my breakfast this morning:) Ingredients
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“Happiness is not something that comes ready made. It comes from your own actions.” - Dalai Lama Want a soup that is hearty, healthy, flavorful, good for you and only takes about 20 minutes to make? This is my own take on Tarka Dhal - a red and yellow lentil curry-like soup. However, I cheat and only use red lentils because they cook up in a pinch. You will look like a Kitchen Guru Rockstar when you make this soup on the fly for guests or your loved ones. It is, by far, one of the most deliciously satisfying soups around. Try it... Serves 4 cups (I suggest doubling the recipe for extra or for larger servings)
Thoroughly rinse red lentils in your boiling pot in sink. I run water on them and swish the lentils around with my hand and drain repeatedly until the water is then clear (Water saving tip: reuse the rinse water for your plants!). Then add your 2.5 cups water to the lentils and set on stove. Add your grated ginger, garlic, turmeric, chilles and salt and bring it all to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Simmer 15-20 minutes. You can leave the lid off the pot or straddle it over the pot - I never cover completely and usually keep the lid off. Once lentils are soft, mash them in the pot with a potato masher or something similar... the consistency should be similar to a creamy chicken soup. That's it!!! Always taste for adjustments - and add cilantro and serve OR - go all the way and make the Tarka topping below... Optional topping: In traditional Tarka Dhal - the Tarka part is topping made separately for the soup. I love it but if you don't have time don't worry about it... that's the great thing about this soup - you can jazz it out or keep it simple
Heat oil and fry the onion with the mustart and onion seeds, dried red chillies and sliced tomato for 2 minutes or until soft. Top onto your servings of Dhal Soup along with cilantro. |
I am simply a person with a serious passion for FOOD! I am not a chef, chemist or doctor - I am just a foodie food-head! The recipes in this blog are things I make for myself, my family and my friends and they have been tested and tried by some of my closest food critics. This blog has helped me become more aware and appreciative of the food I prepare and share and I am very grateful for this. Archives
June 2014