BRING intention to form |
Our work is about Restorative Realignment through nature and our inner creative Self. The act of writing, hearing and sharing our words, of self-expressing through creative spontaneity, this is how we integrate our personal experiences into harmony with ourselves and others.
- Margaret Lindgren, Owner beautiful above photo by @_erik.castro_ |
sigil Pronunciation /ˈsijəl/ /ˈsɪdʒəl/
A Sigil helps us to share our truth - positively.
Sigils help us process our thoughts and to become comfortable with the uncomfortable
so we can grow into the direction best suited for our collective wellbeing and evolution.
They not only help us to heal, they are the most reliable, tangible, hands on, evidence
of our positive transformation and deepening presence.
- Margaret Lindgren, Owner/Guide Unbeaten Path Tours.
Read about this workshop in the Sunday edition of:
SIGILS healing walkshop
What if you had the opportunity to bring the spark of your intentions into immediate form or to acknowledge a frozen emotion that keeps you stuck inside a bubble of false growth? A Sigil (pronounced "sij-il") is a symbol that can represents an emotion, goal, desire or ambition that you’d like to manifest into your life that is created using the constructs of a word or written statement.
Your personal and unique Sigil design can be an aide to meditation, team bonding, recovery, integrating trauma, re-charging initiative, expressing love, or releasing what no longer serves you. Sigils can also help us co-regulate or co-sense with one another, to be present to new perspectives. Most importantly, our Sigils Walkshop was designed to act as a way of helping one another see what we are blind too - like a vitamin pill that helps lift our deficiencies to a more healthy level. This is how we grow, heal and manifest potential - collectively. We offer empowering Sigils Walkshops for women groups, corporate groups, couples, families and for deep affirmation, integration and healing in this time of COVID and chaos. For more details, please read below. For a similar Walkshop that adds a creative writing element to the experience,
please see our Hike, Write & Design Walkshop |
During the first half of this Unbeaten Experience (1.5 hours), guests join Margaret on a private guided hike where the inspiration of Nature gives rise to the creative manifestation of our intentions, goals and affirmations. The latter half of this Unbeaten experience will bring these inspirations and the spark of our thoughts into form through a relaxed class format where guests will learn the techniques to create their own Sigil that is unbeaten and unique only to them!
This transformative experience allows us to ignite the Law of Attraction, to hone our intentions and to set the stage for inner growth. We recommend this workshop for a multitude of reasons, such as to:
This transformative experience allows us to ignite the Law of Attraction, to hone our intentions and to set the stage for inner growth. We recommend this workshop for a multitude of reasons, such as to:
In this hands-on workshop, participants will explore the creation and activation of Sigils. The workshop portion of this experience will take place in Nature or at your location or we can make it part of a larger experience that include options, such as, wine tasting, yoga, meditation techniques and more. |
WHAT TO BRING - How to prepare:
Bring & Wear:
For the safety of the group:
- For the full hike and sigils experience, please wear a good walking shoe and layered clothing for shifting weather and temperatures. We will be sitting in areas of nature or along the coast for up to an hour during journal and mediation time.
- We provide a basic journal and pen. However, during COVID, we encourage guests to bring their own, unique and favorite writing journal and instrument.
For the safety of the group:
- Masks are required when social spacing mandates of 6 feet or more cannot be maintained. Thank you.
- For the safety of our guests during COVID, we encourage guests to bring their own water and snacks.